The unique combination of compounds that underpin our proprietary formulas is based upon a discovery made by our founder Dr. Shawn Watson in the laboratory. While researching the decline in brain function as we age, Dr. Shawn Watson observed he could manipulate an old neuron’s ability to repair itself and regain the function of a much younger neuron through the restoration of a key cycle involved in lipid repair and recycling.

With his discovery, and his own experience witnessing the devastating impact of dementia on his family, Dr. Watson sought to bring this new understanding of neuronal health to people as quickly as possible. Selecting the highest quality ingredients and demanding the most stringent manufacturing processes, he created SLS Nutraceuticals to meet the growing demand for non-stimulant cognitive products with clear mechanisms of action to support brain health and performance.

Choosing to set up in Singapore, at the heart of the fastest growing aging region in the world, Dr. Watson and SLS Nutraceuticals, along with its parent company, Senescence Life Sciences continue on their mission to leverage the latest advances in neuroscience to create innovative products that protect and optimize brain function.


We’re always looking to partner with companies that share our vision of protecting and optimizing brain health. Some of the world’s biggest ingredients companies are already leveraging our science:

In the United States, NeurobloomTM
is available from

In Asia Pacific, NeuroSHIELDTM
is available from

About Us

The unique combination of compounds that underpin our proprietary formulas was based upon a discovery made by our founder Dr. Shawn Watson in the laboratory. While researching the decline in brain function as we age, Dr. Shawn Watson observed he could manipulate an old neuron’s ability to repair itself and regain the function of a much younger neuron through the restoration of a key cycle involved in lipid repair and recycling.

With his discovery, and his own experience witnessing the devastating impact of dementia on his family, Dr. Watson sought to bring this new understanding of neuronal health to people as quickly as possible. Selecting the highest quality ingredients and demanding the most stringent manufacturing processes, he created SLS Nutraceuticals to meet the growing demand for non-stimulant cognitive products with clear mechanisms of action to support brain health and performance.

Choosing to set up in Singapore, at the heart of the fastest growing aging region in the world, Dr. Watson and SLS Nutraceuticals, along with its parent company, Senescence Life Sciences continues on its mission to leverage the latest advances in neuroscience to create innovative products that protect and optimize brain function.

Our Partners

We’re always looking to partner with companies that share our vision of protecting and optimizing brain health. Some of the world’s biggest ingredients companies are already leveraging our science:

In the United States, NeurobloomTM
is available from

In Asia Pacific, NeuroSHIELDTM
is available from


Our synergistic formulations use the highest quality natural ingredients that are already known for their brain health benefits.


has been clinically shown to decrease lipid oxidation levels, lower neuronal inflammation markers, improve cognitive performance and protect the brain against certain pathological conditions.


extracts have been clinically shown to increase cognitive performance within the aging brain when looking at a number of parameters including attention, focus, learning and memory.


has been clinically shown to significantly reduce oxidative damage to lipids and DNA, improve working memory and mood, increase cognitive performance and reduce neuronal inflammation.


has been clinically shown to reduce lipid and protein oxidation, rejuvenate vitamin E and glutathione pools within neurons and improve various aspects of cognitive performance, including learning and memory.


is a key component in one of the most important anti-oxidant enzymes within our brain – glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for disengaging and repairing neuronal damage caused by lipid oxidation. Selenium has been clinically shown to decrease lipid oxidation levels, lower neuronal inflammation and improve cognitive performance within aging brains.


Our synergistic formulations use the highest quality natural ingredients that are already known for their brain health benefits.


has been clinically shown to decrease lipid oxidation levels, lower neuronal inflammation markers, improve cognitive performance and protect the brain against certain pathological conditions.


extracts have been clinically shown to increase cognitive performance within the aging brain when looking at a number of parameters including attention, focus, learning and memory.


extracts have been clinically shown to increase cognitive performance within the aging brain when looking at a number of parameters including attention, focus, learning and memory.


has been clinically shown to reduce lipid and protein oxidation, rejuvenate vitamin E and glutathione pools within neurons and improve various aspects of cognitive performance, including learning and memory.


is a key component in one of the most important anti-oxidant enzymes within our brain – glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for disengaging and repairing neuronal damage caused by lipid oxidation. Selenium has been clinically shown to decrease lipid oxidation levels, lower neuronal inflammation and improve cognitive performance within aging brains.


Here are some tips and information to help you keep your brain healthy and sharp.


Here are some tips and
information to help you keep
your brain healthy and sharp.


Age-related cognitive decline (or “brain aging”) happens to everyone! It’s the natural deterioration in the brain’s performance over time resulting from the buildup of chemicals caused by free radical damage in the brain. As we age, this buildup progressively decreases processing speeds and reduces our ability to form, store and recall memories.

Research suggests that cognitive aging begins in our 20s, and can be accelerator by lifestyle factors such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and pollution.

This form of cognitive decline is different than the negative effects caused by disease or trauma that accelerates the degradation of the brain. The umbrella term for these conditions is dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent and well known.


Age-related cognitive decline (or “brain aging”) happens to everyone! It’s the natural deterioration in the brain’s performance over time resulting from the buildup of chemicals caused by free radical damage in the brain. As we age, this buildup progressively decreases processing speeds and reduces our ability to form, store and recall memories.

Research suggests that cognitive aging begins in our 20s, and can be accelerator by lifestyle factors such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and pollution.

This form of cognitive decline is different than the negative effects caused by disease or trauma that accelerates the degradation of the brain. The umbrella term for these conditions is dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent and well known.

How can we improve our brain function?

The most recent research supports the long-held theory that inflammation is the single-most destructive health issue affecting our bodies as we age. The brain is no different. As such, many of the same recommendations for preventing and managing conditions such as heart health and cancer are now understood to affect cognitive function. Eating well, regularly exercise, reduced stress, getting enough sleep and maintaining an active social life, are all important in reducing inflammation in the brain and therefore reducing the impact of cognitive decline.

For the latest research and information on brain health, visit our Newsroom.

Fun Facts

There’s a reason the brain has been called a “random thought generator.” The average brain is believed to generate up to 50,000 thoughts per day.1

Attention spans are getting shorter. In 2000, the average attention span was 12 seconds. Now, it’s 8 seconds. That’s shorter than the 9-second attention span of the average goldfish.2

The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a quadrillion, or 1015, bytes. Astoundingly, this is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet.3

The human brain is capable of 1,016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any existing computer.4

The brain makes up about 2 percent of a human’s body weight. The cerebrum makes up 85 percent of the brain’s weight.5

Human brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.6

Of the total blood and oxygen that is produced in our body, the brain gets 20% of it.7

Fun Facts

There’s a reason the brain has been called a “random thought generator.” The average brain is believed to generate up to 50,000 thoughts per day.1

Attention spans are getting shorter. In 2000, the average attention span was 12 seconds. Now, it’s 8 seconds. That’s shorter than the 9-second attention span of the average goldfish.2

The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a quadrillion, or 1015, bytes. Astoundingly, this is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet!

The human brain is capable of 1,016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any existing computer.

The brain makes up about 2 percent of a human’s body weight. The cerebrum makes up 85 percent of the brain’s weight.

Human brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake.

Of the total blood and oxygen that is produced in our body, the brain gets 20% of it.

How can we improve our brain function?

The most recent research supports the long-held theory that inflammation is the single-most destructive health issue affecting our bodies as we age. The brain is no different. As such, many of the same recommendations for preventing and managing conditions such as heart health and cancer are now understood to affect cognitive function. Eating well, regularly exercise, reduced stress, getting enough sleep and maintaining an active social life, are all important in reducing inflammation in the brain and therefore reducing the impact of cognitive decline.